Anhui Vocational and Technical College 2020-2021 academic year information disclosure work report

发布者:管理员Release time: 2021-10-28动态浏览次数:2315


According to the Measures for Information Disclosure of Colleges and Universities and the Anhui Provincial Department of Education2021Notice on the work of the Annual Report on Information Disclosure in Colleges and Universities (Anhui Secretary[2021]375号)文件精神,结合欧洲杯投注官网app20202021Regarding the implementation of information disclosure work in the academic year, the report on information disclosure work in our school in the past year is as follows:


Persisting in promoting information disclosure is an important measure for our university to implement the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Government Information Disclosure and the Measures for Information Disclosure of Colleges of Higher Learning, as well as an important task for the College to strengthen democratic management and promote the administration of the University according to law。2020-2021学年,欧洲杯投注官网app以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will thoroughly study and implement the principles of the second, third, fourth, and fifth plenary sessions of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 19th CPC Central Committee,We will fully implement the Party's educational policy and carry out the fundamental task of fostering morality and cultivating people,Carefully study the documents of the Party Central Committee, The State Council and the Ministry of Education on the work of information disclosure,Implement the Measures for Information Disclosure of Institutions of Higher Learning,Combine the work focus of the college in the development and construction,不断完善欧洲杯投注赔率制度,拓展欧洲杯投注赔率内容,拓宽欧洲杯投注赔率渠道,Improve the performance of information disclosure staff,Timely and actively disclose all kinds of important information that teachers, students and all walks of life pay attention to。在欧洲杯投注官网app上下共同努力下,Over the past year, the school's information disclosure work has made positive progress, the transparency of various management work has been significantly enhanced, and the rights of teachers, students, staff and the public to know, participate, express and supervise have been fully guaranteed。


The college attaches great importance to the work of information disclosure, actively unify the ideological understanding, strengthen the organizational leadership, and actively implement the action。In the past year, under the unified leadership of the College information work leading group, the functional departments of the college and the secondary colleges(部)Actively responsible for the organization and implementation of information disclosure of the department。The main person in charge of each department is the first responsible person for the information disclosure work of the department, and the special liaison person for information disclosure work is determined。The discipline inspection and Supervision Office is responsible for supervising the implementation of the inspection and accepting reports from inside and outside the school。办公室、The school union is responsible for understanding the implementation and collecting feedback and suggestions。At present, the college is formed under the unified leadership of the president, led by the school office and coordinated by various departments各司其职The leadership system and work pattern of active participation of teachers and students and coordination and supervision of relevant departments have been continuously improved, thus ensuring the effective development of the information disclosure work of the college。


In order to enhance the awareness of government information openness of all departments of the school and improve the ability and level of information openness work, the school has organized several special training meetings and seminars on information openness work over the past year。For example, relevant experts are invited to explain the national spirit of rule of law and specific requirements to members of the information disclosure leading group of the college and persons in charge of information disclosure work of various departments。At the same time, the school also organized the heads of information disclosure work of various departments to carry out in-depth discussions and training on specific work such as information disclosure catalog setting, information disclosure website information release, information disclosure and confidentiality review requirements, and problems existing in information disclosure work。Through the development of training activities, the efficiency and level of information disclosure of the college have been further improved。

3. Continuously enriching the forms of information disclosure

The construction of the college's information disclosure carrier has been further strengthened, providing a variety of channels for teachers, students, staff and the public to obtain information, and facilitating the public to inquire various information。The first is to take the college portal website and the public number as the main window for the disclosure of external information, and constantly strengthen the construction of the campus network and strengthen the information disclosure function of the campus network。二是积极利用欧洲杯投注官网appOATimely disclosure of information in the form of office system, smart campus platform, various conferences, school newspaper, campus radio, publicity column, electronic display screen, etc。The third is to take the initiative to release information according to the actual work needs, focusing on key work such as inspection and rectification, new campus construction, teaching quality improvement, professional curriculum construction, campus bidding, talent introduction, classified enrollment, and social enrollment expansion。The fourth is to actively use Anhui Education network and other social media to publish all kinds of information, and constantly expand the education and teaching publicity of the college。

4. The work of safeguards was further improved

In order to effectively integrate and manage the information on campus, the College has built a centralized office and personnel information management while strengthening the information supervision on campus、学工、The smart campus platform, which integrates various information interaction functions such as finance and educational affairs, has basically built the main channel of the campus information disclosure network through the investment and construction of various information carriers, and further enhanced the effectiveness of information disclosure。同时,The College attaches great importance to strengthening the confidentiality management of all departments,妥善处理公开与保密的关系,All departments are required to make clear requirements on the basis of normative documents,We will further improve the working procedures for information disclosure and confidentiality review,确保涉密信息不能对外公开,Not only to prevent the expansion of the scope of secrecy from damaging the citizens' right to know,And pay attention to prevent the occurrence of leakage events。




2020-2021During the academic year, the College took the initiative to add public information in the form of news through the college website platform276Article, disclosure of information in the form of departmental dynamics700 To add public information in the form of notices and announcements352条,编印每周情况通报 43  期共302条。At the same time, the College also actively discloses the relevant information of the college through various channels such as documents, conferences, campus Windows, electronic large screens, printing and printing the enrollment brochure, printing and printing the college newspaper, journal, etc., to ensure that teachers, students, staff and the public have a timely and accurate understanding of the relevant information of the College。


In the active disclosure of information work, our school in accordance with公开是原则,不公开是例外In addition to the confidential matters stipulated by laws, regulations and Party discipline shall not be disclosed, all important matters of general concern to the public and closely related to the vital interests of teachers, students and staff shall be disclosed to the society or in the school。The key to do a good job in information disclosure is to clarify the content of disclosure and grasp the key points of disclosure。In order to avoid the arbitrariness and evasion of the importance of the disclosure work, over the past year, the school's information disclosure leading group and office have carefully analyzed the key and hot issues of general concern to faculty, students, parents and the society, and clearly proposed the contents and priorities of the disclosure:

1)欧洲杯投注官网app基本情况的信息。Including the name of the college, school location, school nature, school purpose, school level, school scale, internal management system, institutional Settings and other basic information。

2College documents, rules and regulations, statistics and other relevant information。It includes all kinds of normative documents formulated and released by the college in the past year, work plans of the college in education, teaching, scientific research and social services, key points of the college's work and statistical data。

3)欧洲杯投注官网app公共资源信息。利用信息化手段,Through the smart campus platform, office system, teaching management system, personnel management system, etc.,Disclose information related to the management and use of various college resources。

4Important matters that are closely related to the interests of teachers, students and staff and are of concern to the society。The focus includes the development of major work of the college;Admission information of various academic levels and various types of students;Information on student status management, poverty assistance, student awards, employment guidance, etc.;Staff training, cadre personnel appointment and removal information, recruitment and recruitment, professional title evaluation methods and results and other related personnel work information;Application of scientific research projects, scientific research awards and other information;Logistics services, campus security and other logistics security information;Financial rules and regulations, annual financial income and expenditure and other financial information。


The School has done a solid job of information disclosure through standardized disclosure procedures。Specific performance in the following three aspects: First, the collection of content that should be disclosed。Led by the Office of the Leading Group on Information Disclosure, various types of information are summarized, sorted out and filtered to determine the content that must be disclosed。The second is to carefully formulate disclosure plans and implement them after confirmation by the information Disclosure leading group。Finally, pay attention to the feedback of information, collect the opinions and suggestions of all aspects of the staff after the disclosure of the content, and reflect the opinions and suggestions to the party and government departments of the college and relevant functional departments, so as to promote the further improvement of the work of the college and constantly promote the work of the college to a new level。

The College discloses information in the following forms:

1)通过欧洲杯投注官网app网站(欧洲杯投注官网appOAIt is the main and most important way for the college to disclose information to the teachers, students, staff and the public。

2Issue paper documents of the college, or make public information to the whole school or within a certain range in the form of meeting minutes。

3Public information is made available through paper materials such as educational yearbooks, memorabilia, weekly information bulletins, various reports, school newspapers, student manuals and printed admissions brochures。

4Through the college's faculty assembly, the central meeting of the Teaching Congress, the Party committee, the joint meeting of the party and government, the president's office, the middle-level cadre meeting, various special meetings, symposia and other forms of implementation。

(2) Disclosure of information upon application and non-disclosure

2020-2021The School has not received a request for disclosure of information on request。

(3) Comments on information disclosure

Through interviews, symposiums and questionnaires, the College timely understands the comments of teachers, students and staff on the disclosure of college information。It is understood that the college teachers and staff are on the college2020-2021The academic year information disclosure work was affirmed, and there was no satisfactory phenomenon。

(4) The situation of being reported due to information disclosure work

2020-2021During the academic year, the College has not been reported for its information disclosure work。




1School scale, school-level leadership profile and division of labor, college organization setting, subject situation, professional situation, various types of students, the number of teachers and professional and technical personnel

2) The Statutes of the College and the rules and regulations formulated by the College

3Related system and work report of faculty and staff Congress

4Academic committee related system and annual report

5College development plan, annual work plan and key work arrangement


7Enrollment regulations and special types of enrollment methods, batch and subject enrollment plans

8Candidate qualification and test results of special types of admission, such as recommendation, independent selection and admission, high-level athletes and art students

9Candidates' personal admission information inquiry channels and methods, batch, category admission number and admission minimum score

10Recruitment consultation and candidate appeal channels, the results of reports, investigations and handling during the review of freshmen

No reports were received during the review of freshmen this year

11Graduate enrollment prospectuses, enrollment specialty catalogs, re-examination admission methods, and the number of graduate students enrolled by each school (department, institute) or discipline or specialty


12The scores of candidates who participated in the postgraduate reexamination




14Postgraduate admission consultation and appeal channels



16The use and management of the donated property

17School-run enterprise assets, liabilities, state-owned assets preservation and appreciation information

18Procurement of equipment, books, medicines and other materials and equipment and bidding for major infrastructure projects

19General budget statement of revenue and expenditure, budget statement of revenue, budget statement of expenditure, budget statement of financial appropriation and expenditure

20General statement of revenue and expenditure, final statement of income, final statement of expenditure, final statement of financial appropriation and expenditure

21Fee items, fee basis, fee standard and complaint method

22University-level leading cadres social part-time situation

23University-level leading cadres going abroad on official business


25The appointment and removal of middle-level cadres in the school, personnel recruitment information


27The proportion of undergraduates to the total number of full-time students, the number and structure of teachers

28Professional Settings, new majors that year, stop recruiting professional list

29The total number of courses offered by the whole school, the proportion of practical teaching credits in the total credits, and the proportion of elective credits in the total credits

30The proportion of professors teaching undergraduate courses in the total number of professors and the proportion of undergraduate courses taught by professors in the total number of courses

31Policy measures and guidance services to promote graduate employment

32The size, structure, employment rate and employment flow of graduates

33Annual report on the employment quality of college graduates




37Student scholarships, grants, tuition waivers, student loans, work-study application and management regulations






43Basic requirements for granting doctoral, master's, and bachelor's degrees

No doctor's, master's, bachelor's degree

44It is proposed to grant the qualification examination and academic level recognition of personnel with the same academic qualifications as master's and doctor's degrees


45New measures for the review of master's and doctoral degree authorization disciplines or professional degree authorization points


46Application and demonstration materials for the proposed new degree authorization disciplines or professional degree authorization points




49The inspection team gives feedback and implements the feedback for rectification

50Emergency response plan, early warning information and disposal of natural disasters and other emergencies, and investigation and handling of major incidents involving the College


Three, the main problems and improvement measures

The implementation of information disclosure is a long-term systematic project, which requires unremitting efforts。2020-2021学年,Our school has made positive progress in the work of information disclosure,But compared with superior requirements and brother universities,也还存在一些不足和差距,The main performance is: some departments in the ideological understanding of the deviation,重视程度不同,Uneven implementation;The content of information disclosure is not extensive enough;The long-term mechanism construction of deepening information disclosure in the aspects of active disclosure and disclosure according to application needs to be further explored and improved。In the future work, we will make further improvements in the following aspects according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and relevant documents, and constantly promote the information disclosure work of the College to a new level:

1.Strengthen the publicity and training of the school's information disclosure work。Organize and arrange teachers, students and staff of the College to learn relevant laws and regulations on information disclosure, further enhance the understanding of the importance of information disclosure work of all departments, constantly improve the professional level and work ability of information personnel, and constantly improve the overall work level of information disclosure of the college。

2.We will further enrich and expand the channels for information disclosure。Taking the information related to the vital interests of teachers and students and high social attention as a breakthrough, we will continue to further promote the content of information disclosure in different fields。In the work of information disclosure, further promote the construction of relevant systems, constantly enhance the transparency of process information, and reflect the process of democratic management and scientific decision-making。

3.We will further promote innovation in information disclosure。New situations and problems surrounding information disclosure work,加强调查研究,The characteristics and rules of information disclosure under the new situation are thoroughly summarized and studied,Actively explore new ideas, new measures and new methods for promoting information disclosure,以改革创新的精神,We will continue to expand the depth and breadth of information disclosure,Constantly improve the information disclosure system and measures,We will continue to improve the quality and level of information disclosure。

4.强化欧洲杯投注赔率工作的监督。Give full play to the supervision role of the discipline inspection department, teaching Congress, trade union and teachers and students, organize regular or irregular inspections of information disclosure work, and timely report the inspection situation。If the work is ineffective, rectification shall be made within a time limit, and if serious impact is caused, the department and its responsible person shall be seriously investigated for their responsibilities。Ensure that the work of information disclosure is deeply rooted in people's hearts and implemented。